Feb 20, 2024


Are you stuck in your zone of excellence?

This is what people want to pay you for and recognise you for. It’s deeply integrated into our identity, and it can be tricky to escape. You may have impact in your zone of excellence, but you won’t feel fulfilled.

Now imagine your zone of genius – the place where you are still excellent at what you do, but also more on-purpose and experiencing more vitality and joy!

When we want to change our career, what we are really yearning for is to operate from our zone of genius.

In episode #30, you’ll discover why you need to leave your zone of excellence, how to connect with your zone of genius and part of my personal Human Design that informs my genius.

If you’re ready to use your Human Design to pin-point your genius zone download your chart for free here and drop me a DM at @michelleboyde_hypnotist.


Episode highlights

  • 00:00 Introduction to the zone of excellence and genius
  • 01:21 Understanding the zone of excellence
  • 04:24 The impact of the zone of excellence on your identity
  • 06:29 Transitioning from zone of excellence to zone of genius
  • 09:09 Exploring the zone of genius
  • 11:19 Discovering your zone of genius with Human Design
  • 12:46 My personal experience of discovering my zone of genius
  • 13:35 Gene Key 18 and channel of surrender in my genius
  • 16:22 Get your charts for free at my website


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About Life by YOUR Design

It’s time to change that career, share your gifts and create the ripples that change the course of your life. If you’re seeking more purpose and meaning, then you know it’s time to live Life by YOUR Design. Join Master Hypnotist Michelle Boyde as she discusses subconscious power, heart-fuelled passion, discovering your soul-led purpose, Human Design and interviews people committed to living life by their own design.


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