Jan 23, 2024


Do you consider yourself quite a successful person? I don’t mean you shout that from the rooftops, but when you look at your life, you recognise that you have achieved some stuff.

Yet, you feel dissatisfied with aspects of your life – and perhaps feel bit guilty that you do?

If so, it’s possible you’re following the incorrect definition of success for you.

In episode #26, I discuss the three key scenarios which indicate your definition of success is holding you back or inhibiting your happiness.


Episode highlights

  • 01:14 Understanding your personal definition of success
  • 02:35 Three scenarios to evaluate your definition of success
  • 03:58 Origins of our definitions of success
  • 04:57 How we learn 
  • 08:16 The standardised roadmap for success
  • 12:15 Scenario one: achieving success but feeling dissatisfied
  • 16:26 What is Purpose Pathway?
  • 19:32 Scenario two: struggling to change your life
  • 23:38 Scenario three: uncertainty about what you want
  • 25:54 The power of defining your own success
  • 27:33 Invitation to join the Purpose Pathway


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About Life by YOUR Design

It’s time to change that career, share your gifts and create the ripples that change the course of your life. If you’re seeking more purpose and meaning, then you know it’s time to live Life by YOUR Design. Join Master Hypnotist Michelle Boyde as she discusses subconscious power, heart-fuelled passion, discovering your soul-led purpose, Human Design and interviews people committed to living life by their own design.


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