entrepreneur flexibility portfolio career purpose values work redesign Dec 01, 2020

How does it feel when part of you dies? Would you like to get started with numerology?


My guest today is Bini Noble. Indian by descent, born in the Middle East and having lived and worked in Switzerland, Germany, Australia and the US, she enjoys traveling, meeting new people and learning new cultures.

A writer-producer, motivational speaker, author and intuitive transformational coach, Bini has produced nine short films, line produced a feature film for Television, and worked on at least 27 more. Her shorts have all played at various festivals around the world, including TIFF, AFI, Palm Springs, Austin, Berlin, Melbourne and many more.

Through her production company ‘Red Sun Entertainment’, she hopes to continue making films and documentaries and TV Series and enter the world of gaming, with projects that’ll make us dig a little deeper and inspire us to live our lives to the best. 

Bini is a Master Transformational Intuitive Coach, who works with multiple modalities such as Hypnosis, NLP, Matrix Therapies, Personality and Life Path Assessment, Multiple Braining, Numerology etc. She has given a TEDx Talk about something she’s learnt first-hand: pursuing dreams by creating one’s own path instead of blindly following paths pre-set for you, by others.

She was also recently one among 25 transformational women to co-author the 3rd Edition of Change Makers, published by Change Maker Press, which went on to become an Amazon Best Seller in multiple categories in the US, UK, Australia, and Germany.

In this episode we chatted all about finding fulfilment, stepping into the unknown and her newest passion: numerology:

  • [6.13] The idea that we have four careers: Bini has already had more than that including corporate, film production, coaching, numerology.

  • [8.00] How we give ourselves to different parts of our life. Most of us don’t answer the question of fulfilment in our lives. We give so much importance to pleasing our family and teachers. We are conditioned to accept without asking. And we end up being co-dependent. Walking through life pleasing friends, colleagues and bosses.

  • [10.08] Bini said she was not consciously aware. In the beginning that was the only way to be. “I thought I’ve mastered the way if living”. Then life decided to teach her.

  • [11.57] We figure things out to our own time scale, but that might be 10 years from now. We are continually evolving. If we don’t understand that it’s only going to cause us pain. 

  • [13.44] Whenever Bini steps into her authenticity, into the unknown, she evolves as a person. The old Bini has died, she is gone. Each phase has a clear demarcation. She cannot any longer identify with the old version of Bini.

  • [15.23] For the new version to evolve, the old version must die. She got her butterfly tattoo at the brink of a big transformation – at the time she didn’t know why.

  • [16.47] If you want to graduate from one part of life to the next, you have to learn lessons, just like school. The act of discomfort is what prepares you for the next thing. She has grown from being phased about life to be being more intrigued.

  • [19.35] Our purpose is simply to enjoy and experience life. Look at life with the curiosity of a child, like a holiday on earth that spans a few decades. We can make the most and experience it all because we aren’t getting this experience anywhere else.

  • [22.30] Unfulfilled passion, we keep that hidden. It’s just not the right time, it’s too bigger risk. “Why rock the boat when you have everything going for you?”

  • [23.11] Making choices: leaving a secure world and high pay. Take all of that and put it into a master’s education to start from scratch. Financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically. I didn’t want to sit inside the glass container looking out. Moving into film was the first big shift.

  • [26.33] The liberating moment: Left her job in Switzerland, Mum was unwell, supposed to move to Australia. Why do have I had this dream? Why is it reoccurring? Why do I really want to do it? Went to film school on LA instead. In writing her application she discovered the reason was in her unconscious mind. She just wanted to serve.

  • [30.38] Job security – we are living in the 2000s there is no job security!

  • [31.32] Clarity and confident came: Producing which is a bit like project managing in corporate. Responsible for the resources, money and people.

  • [32.02] As long as what you do allows you to live your values, you can change your “whats”. What most people chase is the ‘what’. Doesn’t matter what you choose. The most unhappy people have allowed their values to be pushed into the background. You have to serve your values.

  • [33.40] Numerology: she initially researched for a film project on belief systems we have as a human race in different parts of the world. Sounds esoteric, but actually so scientific. It made sense to why she felt what she felt. Who we are? How we are and how life plays out, is not an accident.

  • [36.18] Arithmancy from Harry Potter is in fact numerology!

  • [37.00] Pythagorean system of numerology is followed in most of the world. It’s the spiritual blueprint to life. Life a blueprint for a home, to show you where you might need more space. Gives you guidance how your life is building, what are your gifts and talents and key events. Personality tests give you a one-sided view, in a box, numerology gives you more of a 3D view.

  • [40.00] There are complex parts of us. Who we project yourself to be I the outside world. That which you are within, similar to the unconscious mind. What we are here to achieve and how to go about it.

  • [41.41] Over our lifetimes we are evolving our soul into the highest expression of who you are supposed to be.

  • [42.20] How to get started with numerology: core numbers. Every number has a vibration. There is no bad or good number. But every number has a low (unresourceful) and high (resourceful) expression of that number. Start with your birth name and date of birth. Calculate your Life Path, by adding all the numbers in your birth date. Calculate your Destiny, by adding up your birth name (how you go about achieving that life purpose).

  • [45.47] Numerology is great for relationship (of any type). When you understand the other, you better understand where they are coming from. What comes naturally for you might not come naturally to them. 

  • [48.33] Bini’s advice for anyone who may be feeling stuck: go be still, it’s not a luxury, it’s a need. Ask yourself: what is that makes me happy. What kind of job would you do if you had enough money – what would you do just for the sake of doing it. Work is just work. You don’t have to give it as much power as you do.

You can connect with Bini on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or her website.

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